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Hyphenation in Russian language

For non-native speakers I can recommend to use the Word text editor from Microsoft. Open a document in this editor, then select Tools/Language/Hyphenation item. The Hyphenation dialog box is open. Click the OK button to insert hyphens in all text. To do this you should install the Russian language pack for Microsoft Office System.

The norms for Hyphenation in Russian language are stated in many books. I don't know a book of this kind for English language, so I'm forced to translate from the Современный русский язык book by Розенталь и др. (p. 161):
  1. Words are hyphenated by syllables, e.g. сто-ро-на, без-вод-ный.
  2. Don't leave in the end of string, or hyphenate to next string a word part that not a syllable, e.g. пропу-ск, сд-винуть (incorrect examples)
  3. Don't divide a consonant and next vowel:
  4. Incorrect Correct
    гер-ой ге-рой
    пуст-як пу-стяк, пус-тяк
  5. Don't separate a prefix and next Ы letter:
  6. Incorrect Correct
    раз-ыграть ра-зыграть, разыг-рать
    под-ыскать по-дыскать, подыс-кать
  7. Don't separate a consonant and the next Ъ or Ь letter:
  8. Incorrect Correct
    раз-ъезд разъ-езд
    мен-ьше мень-ше
  9. Don't separate a vowel and next Й letter:
  10. Incorrect Correct
    ра-йон рай-он
    стро-йка строй-ка
    ста-йка стай-ка
  11. Don't leave in the end of string, or hyphenate to next string a single letter:
  12. Incorrect Correct
    а-натомия, анатоми-я ана-то-мия