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Translation in Adobe Illustrator

Since a PDF document is really a special version of a PostScript file, it can be opened and edited in Adobe Illustrator, which is essentially a drawing program that can open and edit PostScript-based objects.

Please notice, that Adobe Illustrator editor at opening PDF document will automatically execute all necessary operations (font substitution, expansion of the subsetted font and correct adjustment the font�s language) for transformation of text objects to edited text objects according language parameters of the operational system. Therefore even if it was impossible to translate the text fragment in Adobe Acrobat, this fragment can be translated by typing over source text in Adobe Illustrator graphic editor. Certainly, only a real text fragments will be editable, but the text represented by graphic objects will remain graphic objects, which not supporting text editing. Also in Adobe Illustrator it is possible to open only one page from multipage document PDF at a time. Though saving of one changed page in the common multipage document is supported.

In Adobe Photoshop raster graphic editor the page from PDF document is opened as graphic, therefore it is impossible to execute text editing (translation over source text), but in is possible removing of the text blocks presented as graphic objects with the subsequent typing of the translation text. Although Photoshop is not strictly speaking a PDF editing tool (because Photoshop works with pixels rather than PostScript data).

Be sure you make a copy of your PDF before you open it in Illustrator, because any changes to the document, either during opening in Illustrator or through editing in Illustrator once it is opened, are saved back into the original PDF.
  1. Make a copy of the PDF you intend to open in Illustrator.
  2. Launch Illustrator and choose File > Open. Select the PDF copy you made in Step 1 and click Open.
  3. In the untitled page-selection window that appears, select the PDF document page you would like to open, and then click OK.
  4. When your selected PDF page opens in Illustrator, perform a Select All with one of the Selection tools. You will see all the page elements selected. Any of the PostScript page elements, such as type and vector graphics, can be selected individually and edited using Illustrator�s tools.
  5. When you have finished editing your PDF page in Illustrator, choose Save or Save As from the File menu. Your opened and edited PDF will be saved back out as a PDF again with any changes that occurred to it during the opening and editing of the PDF in Illustrator.

Sometimes, not all of the PDF page elements are interpreted and opened properly in Illustrator. For instance, a text typed over the color spot were not properly recognized by Illustrator and therefore do not appear in the PDF as text object in Illustrator. If you were to simply save this opened PDF, these unrecognized elements would be removed from the newly saved PDF. This is one reason why you always want to work on a copy of the PDF document when you open it in Illustrator.

Another important consideration to keep in mind when trying to decide whether to edit a PDF or its source file is the ability to replace pages. If you edit the source file (often only some page requires changes), then create new PDF pages, and then replace only those pages in the original PDF; all of the fields, bookmarks, and comments will be retained as the underlying PDF is replaced.

Third-Party PDF Editing Tools

While Acrobat provides some basic editing capabilities, if you need to regularly open and perform extensive edits to multiple objects within numerous PDF documents, then you should consider acquiring a third-party extension designed specifically for this purpose.

There are numerous editing plug-ins for Acrobat, for example PitStop from Enfocus. PitStop provides a wide and deep range of global, page-based, and individual-object editing tools, including a complete preflighting and correction tool set, automation functions, a certification tool for prepress and PDF/X standards. But PitStop as well as other third-party application (i.e. Jaws PDF Editor) are not magical tools for PDF editing as Word for DOC editing.

All known PDF editing tools, include Acrobat, Illustrator, or PitStop have only some editing function needed for PDF document translation.

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