Technical Translation from English into Russian in Computer and Telecommunication Industries
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Assembling in other program

So, we have received components for construction (assembling) of the translated file by one of different ways mentioned above. Text components can be translated directly in Microsoft Word by overprinting the source text, or in a special translation environment, for example TRADOS or Transit.

Graphic components can be translated in the graphic editor only, for example in the plain and simple Paint, available in each version of Windows operational system, or in a "heavy" graphic editors like Illustrator or Photoshop. In any case, it is necessary to erase old text, restore a background, and type the translation text. It is not so simply to restore a complex background differs essentially from a simple uniform filling. It will be sometimes easier to add the translation text, having left a source text without change.

Then the translated graphic and text components need to be gathered together to recreate the design of the source document. We shall notice that full and precise reconstruction the source document by the translated components is hardly possible {or impossible at all}. In fact a font and a font size will be changed at least (for example, Russian phrase is usually longer on 10-15 % than English equivalent; therefore a font with smaller size is often needed).

Assembling of translated components are usually carried out in a DTP program (PageMaker, Frame Maker, etc.), but the Word�s tools will be enough for reconstruction of document with simple design. As a rule, the multipage engineering specifications (User Guide, Administrator Guide, and so on) are well enough assembled in the Word text editor. However short advertising brochures are often made in DTP program, hence, for assembling after translation it is better to use the similar program.

There is one small little question about choosing the right application to reconstruct the design of source document. In Adobe Acrobat program select File > Document Properties and choose Description tab. In Description section you can see the application used for creation the source (Application), and in Advanced section � the name of driver used for printing to PDF format (PDF Producer).

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